ACTED is a non-governmental organization with headquarters in Paris. Independent, private and not-for-profit, ACTED operates according to principles of non-discrimination and transparency. The organization’s mission is to support vulnerable populations affected by natural disaster, complex emergency and/or economic and social crises, and to accompany them in building a better future – contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals.

ACTED has been active in Pakistan since 1993 and has provided assistance across all provinces to an estimated 6.9 million people. Currently, ACTED focuses its efforts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), including the Tribal Districts, Sindh and Punjab provinces to address the needs of the most vulnerable by responding quickly to emergency; assisting disaster-affected people with immediate and early recovery assistance with a focus on shelter; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) assistance; and building resilience by investing in community-based disaster risk management and capacity building of local authorities and first responders. Further ACTED works to strengthen livelihoods, starting from the provision of non-formal education to girls, boys, men and women; through job trainings (technical and vocational training) and promoting job creation in non-traditional and in demand trades; and the strengthening of on-farm livelihoods through the introduction of climate smart agricultural and livestock practices and the strengthening of value chains.,

ACTED’s strategy and interventions revolve around three core Pillars:

Pillar 1: To meet emerging and residual humanitarian needs and build disaster resilience in communities;

Pillar 2: To strengthen civil society and foster accountable and inclusive governance at the local level;

Pillar 3: To promote inclusive and sustainable growth through increased access to basic education and market relevant and dignified livelihood opportunities.

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Website: www.acted.org/en/pakistan Contact No: + 92 (0) 51 8313022 and 24
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Jobs in Pakistan